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Debating the Undebatable - Talks beyond logic


Season 1 - Welcome

Welcome to Rational Rambles - The Journey begins

Season 1 - Episode 1

Are Ghosts Just Parallel Dimension People?

Season 1 - Episode 2

How Do Hope and Fear Influence What We Believe?

Season 1 - Episode 3

Are We Living in a Simulation?

Season 1 - Episode 4

Clouds as Control Tools?

Season 1 - Episode 5

Dreams as Future's Mirror?

Season 1 - Episode 6

Is Love a Disease We Can Cure?

Season 1 - Episode 7

Can Minds Time Travel Without Bodies?


Jamie Rambles, born on June 25, 1960, has only recently ventured into the realm of digital discourse, marking a significant pivot in a life largely spent away from the limelight. Working as a carpenter by trade, Jamie has always been fueled by a deep passion for psychological and philosophical themes, a passion that simmered beneath the surface of his everyday life.

For years, Jamie honed his craft, working with wood rather than ideas, in a profession far removed from the intellectual pursuits that ignited his curiosity. However, his love for debate and understanding the human condition never waned. In his spare time, he would immerse himself in books and articles, exploring the vast landscapes of human thought and behavior. This self-directed education laid the groundwork for what would become a turning point in his life.

Despite his unassuming career, Jamie harbored a dream: to bring the richness of philosophical and psychological debate to a wider audience. He noticed a gap in public discourse, a lack of platforms that engaged with these subjects in a deep and accessible manner. It was this realization, coupled with the advent of digital media, that inspired Jamie to start “Rational Rambles” on YouTube and as a podcast in 2024.

Launching “Rational Rambles” was a leap of faith. With no prior fame or recognition in the digital world, Jamie started from scratch, relying solely on his passion and the belief that there was an audience hungry for discussions on topics that delved deeper than the superficial layers of everyday conversation. The show aimed to explore the intricate relationships between psychological phenomena, philosophical questions, and the everyday experiences that shape our understanding of the world.

As of its inception, “Rational Rambles” is still in its infancy, a project brimming with potential but yet to find its footing in the crowded digital landscape. Jamie hopes that the show will resonate with viewers and listeners who are seeking more substantive dialogue on psychological and philosophical topics—areas he feels have been underserved by mainstream media.

Today, Jamie stands at the threshold of a new chapter in his life, transitioning from a career in carpentry to the uncertain but exciting world of content creation. His journey is a testament to the power of following one’s passion, regardless of the stage in life. “Rational Rambles” represents not just a new beginning for Jamie but also his contribution to a broader conversation, one he believes is essential for understanding ourselves and the world around us.

Debating the Undebatable - Talks beyond logic